Johnny’s-Watcher Rumor Round-Up (Digest 007)

Rumors in Johnny’s land have been slow and boring, so here are some worthy rumors I managed to read, or not-so-worthy at all…

Involved parties, are: Junnosuke Taguchi, Jin Akanishi, Nakai Masahiro, and Arashi.

As reported,

  • Did Jin Akanishi and Meisa Kuroki had a Wedding Ceremony?

The Akanishi family reportedly spent their winter vacation in Honolulu, Hawaii where the Jin and Meisa rumored to have a wedding ceremony. The super-secret wedding ceremony was attended by family and close friends including Jin’s closest pals- Yamapi and Nishikido Ryo. Jin and Meisa were also rumored to have hosted a dinner for their guests. Furthermore, Yamapi was rumored to have shouted, “I’ll get married too!” upon seeing Jin and Meisa being lovey-dovey, which might be the reason he was seen wandering around the bar and chatting with Japanese women he just met. While newly-single Nishikido (if the rumor between him and Gakki is true) was seen hitting on girls.

They have been married for like 2 years so it’s no big deal if they had a wedding ceremony, which is long overdue. I just don’t know what’s with Japanese fascination with Hawaii considering that they almost destroyed the place during the WWII. Oh well, with regards to Yamapi and Ryo, well, boys….

  • So, is Junno getting more popular than Kame?

Staff were whispering about Junno‘s rise in popularity after his goods were sold-out way before other members during KAT-TUN’s Fan Meeting. When Junno’s goods got sold-out, fans still waited in line and some started “booing!” when no new goods arrived; staffs agreed that they miscalculated Junno’s popularity. Insiders commented that Junno’s popularity is because of “Legal High” drama where fans finds his character delicious.

While Kame is always be my favorite, Junno is hot and talented and he should have been given a break eons ago.

  • How your ichibans spent their winter vacations?

Aside from Jin holding a wedding ceremony during his winter break, what did your ichibans do? Assuming that everything is true…

SMAP‘s Nakai Masahiro spent his holidays in Hakone while he was also rumored to have gone Down Under since he just obtained a diving license. Arashi‘s Sakurai Sho may have written in his jweb about spending his day at his parent’s home but rumor has it that he spent his holidays at Vietnam with two of his college friends. Sakurai also went to a luxury cruise along Mekong River. Last year, Ohno Satoshi spent his holidays with a trip to Palau with his family but he chose to be more laidback this year by choosing to stay home as what Ninomiya Kazunari also did. Matsumoto Jun has some travel plans but it did not push through because he was filming “Shitsuren Chocolatier”. Lastly, Aiba Masaki rumored to have gone overseas with his friends.

Yahoo!Japan and Johnny’s-Watcher 1, 2, and 3

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9 thoughts on “Johnny’s-Watcher Rumor Round-Up (Digest 007)

  1. reinneserenity says:

    Arrrggghhhh!!! Junno becoming more popular than Kame? So what? They’re already popular, they don’t have to make a big deal out of it just coz Prince Junno’s goods have sold out first than that of Kame’s… Why do they have to make it appear as a competition with these boys? I love Kame more than Junno but I dont think it’s a bad thing that Junno’s popularity is beginning to pick-up. I love them all. The past and present Kat-tun. Instead of making this kind of rumors why don’t they let the boys enjoy and feel the fruits of their hardwork? Is it that hard to do that? Puff! I just don’t get why some people are such hypocrites and rude. Prince Junno deserves it just like Kame deserves all the popularity and projects coming his way as well as for Maru-chan and Tat-chan. Let it go people. Just enjoy watching there awesome talents. Give them a break from all those unpleasant made-up stories. they deserve it.

    As for Jin and Meisa, if this news is true, I am happy for them. They deserve it after all the chaos that they have been through. I’m just sad that only Yamapi and Ryo were the only ones present. As for those two boys, I am praying that they’ll find a woman worthy of them.

    Miku-chan, I just wanna ask if you have any idea about KT’s relationship with Jin-jin? How are him and Kame’s relationship? I miss to see them together. I am still an Akame fangirl. hehehe…


    1. mikuchin says:

      Sorry for the late comment, I’m sure you know by bow that Jin’s contract with JE have expired so it says a lot about his relationship with his ex-groupmates. I also know that Jin is mostly close with Yamapi and Nishikido Ryo than any of KT


    2. reinneserenity says:

      Yup…i’ve known about it already. Yamapi and Ryo are his bestfriends. and of course my ichiban Shirota Yuu though he’s not in JE..hehehe..

      I’ve felt so sad knowing about his contract expiration from JE but wherever Jin-jin will be I will always support him. Koki has wished him well also. And maybe, just maybe, him and 4nin KT have a “talking” relationship already. I want to see them together even once in a while out of JE. just for old times sake.hehehe..i am so desperate to see them 6 together again that i’m always praying for it, i just love them hehehe.


    3. mikuchin says:

      seeing the 6-nin KAT-TUN is really impossible. Aside from the fact that two of their former members are now outside JE, I doubt that JE would allow it.


    4. reinneserenity says:

      hai! i know…that’s why i’m feeling so sad…as much as I love them 6 together but with their present circumstance, it’s will only be a dream..a far away dream..especially Koki and Jin-jin are out of JE…haiz! the dilemma of a fangirl..hehehe


  2. Bitch says:

    Junno will never be more popular than Kame. He would need to utilize the stage couch better and sell his soul for the sake of making it big.


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