SMAP’s “Moment” #1 in Oricon Weekly and #1 in Successive #1 Single Release


Johnny’s group SMAP was able to clinched the top spot in Oricon Weekly for their latest single “Moment”, which was released last Aug. 1st.

“Moment” is the group’s 48th single that is currently used as the main theme song for TBS coverage of London Olympics 2012 where SMAP’s Nakai Masahiro serves as the main caster.

“Moment” sold 137,000 on its first week. Their last single “Sakasama no Sora” was able to climbed the top spot for its first week as well.

In lieu to this, SMAP now became number one in the ranking of “Successive #1 Single Release“.

Here is the present TOP 3 Ranking:

TOP 3 Ranking for Successive #1 Single (Male Category)

1) SMAP – 48 singles

2) B’z – 47 singles

3) THE ALFEE –  46 singles

Furthermore, the group will be releasing “GIFT of SMAP” album this Aug 8th.

Yahoo! via jnews1

closetOtaku – That’s what they news says; however,in wikipedia, it is listed that they only have 46 singles.

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