Sexy Zone’s 3rd Consecutive Year to act as Supporters for “Haru no kōkō Volleyball 2014”

It’s nothing new that Sexy Zone got appointed as volleyball supporters, after all, that’s how the group really started. However, this piece of news will scream “biased” as Sexy Zone’s upcoming single “Shout!!” for Haru no kōkō Volleyball 2014 (High School Volleyball Spring 2014) will be sung by the group but the role of “supporters” will only be carried the eldest three. Though honestly, why the need for “supporters” anyway?

As reported,

High School Volleyball Spring 2014” will kick-off on Jan 5th with Sexy Zone‘s Sato Shori, Nakajima Kento, and Kikuchi Fuma being appointed as group supporters.

This will be the third consecutive year that they were appointed as official supporters. The three are full of support for the players since they (players) will be Japan’s future representative for Tokyo Olympics 2020. Sato, having experienced the game, knows that each year is different and he would like to enjoy himself and see the game in a different angle. While Nakajima took advantage to publicize “Shout!!’ with hopes that the players will listen to it before their game so they can play at their best.

Furthermore, Sexy Zone’s “Shout!!” will be the tournaments theme song and will be release as a single next year.

Sanspo and jnews1



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