Kato Shigeaki Denies having a Ghost Writer

…because who would admit about it? Though I’m confident that Shige have personally written all his works.

As reported,

Last Mar 23rd, NEWS‘s Kato Shigeaki had a book talk to promote his latest novel- “Burn.-バーン-” – at Tokyo metropolitan area.

Entwined with the recent ghostwriter scandal involving Samuragochi Mamoru, dubbed as the Japanese Beethoven; Kato was quick to deny that he has a ghostwriter. He also make light of it by saying that he is not even deaf and added that being accused of having a ghostwriter is a proof that his work is interesting.

“Burn.-バーン-” tells the story of a gifted child actor who has loss his emotions only to have it reconnect with his interactions with a homeless man.

200 fans at the event got treated with a surprise autographed book.

jnews1, Sanspo, and Nikkan Sports

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